Welcome to Kimbelry Brian Photography: The Boudoir Sessions

Boudoir Sessions are available for booking through Kimberly Brian Photography, http://www.kimberlybrianphotography.com/ .

This site is solely dedicated to our Boudoir Sessions. All images are posted with the clients permission, privacy is our number one priority. If you are interested in booking a session please contact Kimberly Brian at kimberlybrian@lipan.net.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Boudoir Session with A

The first shoot. I just have to say these images are some of my favorites ever. 'A' is absolutely beautiful. She was just awesome in the shoot. Completely relaxed and we had a great time. The best part about this shoot, was her reaction when she saw the pictures. "I can't believe I'm that hot!". Which for me is just the most amazing thing to hear after any session. Thanks a lot 'A' for posing, I hope that you and your hubby enjoy the images.